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I Made an AI Copy of Myself With Meta's AI Studio - Video

Nov 16, 2024 -
The article discusses how to create an AI chatbot using Meta's AI studio. The author explains that the studio allows users to create two types of chatbots: one that mimics the user based on their Instagram profile, and another that is a character related to the user's interests. The author also highlights the potential use of these chatbots for influencers or businesses to engage more consistently with their followers.

To create a chatbot, users need to log into the AI studio, switch their Instagram account to a professional one, and start a chat with Meta AI. The AI is trained on the user's Instagram content, but additional information can be provided for more accurate responses. The author conducted an experiment with friends to see if they could differentiate between AI-generated messages and her own, with mixed results. The author also provides a guide on how to create a custom chatbot character.

Key takeaways:

  • Meta's AI studio allows users to create AI chatbots of themselves or characters related to their interests.
  • The AI chatbots can be trained using information from the user's Instagram profile and additional details provided by the user.
  • The AI chatbots can engage with followers on Instagram, Messenger, and WhatsApp, providing a tool for influencers and businesses to interact more consistently with their audience.
  • The AI-generated messages are labeled for transparency, and the AI can generate surprisingly realistic responses, as demonstrated in a test where friends struggled to differentiate between AI and human responses.
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