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I'm 40 and retraining as a coder to stay on top of the AI wave

Dec 03, 2023 -
Evrim Kanbur, a 40-year-old former university lecturer, is retraining to work in the AI industry. After working in various roles, including an auditor at Deloitte and a business development manager at Riot Games, she decided to learn coding to stay ahead in the rapidly changing digital world. She has been studying full-time since February via free online courses on platforms like edX and Free Code Camp, and hopes to apply for full stack AI developer roles within a year.

Kanbur, who has been living in China for 10 years, is funding her retraining through passive income from online classes she pre-records for Udemy. She also has a personal motivation to work in AI, hoping to contribute to neuroscience research behind dementia, a condition her grandmother suffered from. Despite the challenges of changing careers mid-life, she wishes more people her age were studying coding and programming.

Key takeaways:

  • Evrim Kanbur, a 40-year-old former university lecturer, is retraining to work in AI, studying full-time via free online courses.
  • She has been studying programming, computer science, physics and math, aiming to apply for full stack AI developer roles within a year.
  • Kanbur is supporting herself financially through passive income from online classes she pre-recorded for Udemy, earning between $900 to $3,000 per month.
  • She hopes to contribute to the neuroscience research field behind dementia by diving deeper into large-language models and how they interact with neuroscience principles.
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