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In 2024, artificial intelligence was all about putting AI tools to work

Dec 30, 2024 -
In 2024, the focus on artificial intelligence shifted from developing models to creating practical applications that are cost-effective. Arvind Narayanan, a computer science professor, noted the transition towards building products that leverage AI capabilities for useful purposes. Despite initial excitement, AI models like OpenAI's GPT-4 have plateaued in terms of size and qualitative improvements, leading to a more realistic public discourse about AI's capabilities. The technology is increasingly integrated into services, such as AI-generated search results and photo editing tools, but still lacks human-like reasoning and creativity.

AI's integration into various sectors, including medicine and employment, has sparked discussions about its potential to supplement or replace human jobs. While AI tools have enhanced productivity in fields like sales and design, concerns remain about their limitations and costs. Analysts like Kash Rangan acknowledge AI's incremental productivity gains but highlight its high expenses and unmet revolutionary expectations. The future of AI is envisioned as an "agentic" system where AI agents collaborate to solve complex problems, potentially transforming industries like pharmaceuticals by accelerating research and development processes.

Key takeaways:

  • In 2024, there was a shift from developing AI models to building practical AI products, integrating AI into various technology services.
  • AI tools are becoming more productive in fields like sales and design, but concerns remain about their cost-effectiveness and potential to replace human jobs.
  • AI's limitations include a lack of common sense and creativity, though it has made significant contributions in fields like medicine by speeding up diagnostics and research processes.
  • The future of AI involves developing AI agents that can work collaboratively, similar to human teams, to solve complex problems.
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