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Inbox Airlock

May 03, 2024 -
Airlock is a virtual assistant designed to declutter your Gmail inbox by holding unimportant emails under a special label, allowing you to check them at your own pace. It aims to make your inbox a peaceful place by blocking unsolicited outreach emails. Users have full control over what's allowed in their inbox, with only previously contacted people and approved senders able to reach it. All other emails are kept safe under the Airlock label, and nothing is deleted unless the user decides to do so.

Airlock offers different plans including monthly, yearly, and business subscriptions, all of which include a free 14-day trial. The service is compatible with any email client and starts working immediately after signing up with a Google account. Custom plans are also available for users with multiple Gmail accounts or other specific requirements. The company emphasizes its strong security practices, having passed a CASA Security Certification required by Google to access Gmail data.

Key takeaways:

  • Airlock is a virtual assistant that declutters your Gmail inbox by sorting unimportant emails under a special label.
  • You have full control over what's allowed in your inbox, with only people you've emailed before and approved senders able to reach your inbox.
  • All other emails are kept safe under the Airlock label and can be checked at your own pace or deleted all at once.
  • Airlock offers different plans including personal monthly and yearly plans, and a business plan for team productivity. All plans come with a free 14-day trial.
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