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Inflection won't shut down Pi but will no longer focus on its consumer business, instead working with commercial customers to create, test, and tune AI systems

Mar 19, 2024 -
The article is a Techmeme archive page from March 19, 2024, providing a snapshot of the site's content at 3:45 PM ET. It includes a compilation of top news from various sources such as The Verge, BBC, TechCrunch, Windows Central, Axios, Financial Times, Android Central, CNBC, and Reuters. The page also mentions numerous individuals, presumably tech influencers or reporters, and provides links to more news from sources like TechCrunch, Sifted, VentureBeat, Barron's Online, and The Decoder.

The page also includes sections for sponsor posts, hiring in tech, and upcoming tech events. It provides a brief explanation about the page being an archive and how to access different versions of the site. The page also includes a section for earlier picks with more news from sources like Steam Community, Engadget, Ars Technica, Game Developer, GameSpot, The Verge, PCWorld, and others. It ends with a long list of sources for more news, including YouTube Official Blog, Ars Technica, The Register, Mashable, KTVX-TV, MSPoweruser, Boing Boing, WinBuzzer, and more.

Key takeaways:

I'm sorry, but the provided text is not an article but a collection of links, mentions, and metadata from a Techmeme archive page. It doesn't contain a coherent narrative or specific points that could be summarized into bullet points. Please provide an actual article for summarization.
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