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Inside the Billion-Dollar Startup Bringing AI Into the Physical World

Nov 15, 2024 -
Physical Intelligence, a San Francisco-based startup, is working to give robots a significant artificial intelligence upgrade, aiming to provide them with a human-like understanding of the physical world. The company, which recently raised $400 million from investors including OpenAI and Jeff Bezos, plans to achieve this by feeding sensor and motion data from robots performing numerous demonstrations into its master AI model. The team, led by CEO Karol Hausman, believes that this approach could revolutionize the field of AI and robotics.

Despite the excitement, there are challenges to overcome. The startup's approach requires a vast amount of data, and there is currently no internet-scale repository of robot actions similar to the text and image data available for training language models. However, the team remains optimistic, and has already made progress, developing its first model using a large amount of training data on more than 50 complex household tasks. The company also plans to collaborate with other firms and develop custom hardware to gather more data.

Key takeaways:

  • Physical Intelligence, a startup aiming to give robots an artificial intelligence upgrade, has raised $400 million from investors including OpenAI and Jeff Bezos, valuing the company at over $2 billion.
  • The company believes it can give robots humanlike understanding of the physical world and dexterity by feeding sensor and motion data from robots performing vast numbers of demonstrations into its master AI model.
  • Physical Intelligence is working on developing custom hardware and plans to gather more data by collaborating with other companies that have robots performing a variety of tasks.
  • The company has developed its first model using a large amount of training data on more than 50 complex common household tasks, showing signs of progress towards achieving more general robotic abilities.
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