Intel's Lunar Lake processors, set to launch later this year, will offer three times more AI performance on both the GPU and the NPU than the existing Meteor Lake chips. The company is also planning to support 300 new AI-enabled features on its Meteor Lake processors this year. Meanwhile, Microsoft insists that Copilot runs on the NPU instead of the GPU to minimize the impact on battery life. Intel aims to sell 100 million AI PCs by 2025, representing a significant market opportunity for new AI software.
Key takeaways:
- Microsoft's Copilot AI service will soon run locally on PCs, as confirmed by Intel executives at the AI Summit in Taipei.
- There will be a 40 TOPS performance requirement for the Neural Processing Unit (NPU) on next-gen AI PCs.
- Running Copilot locally will provide latency, performance, and privacy benefits, and Microsoft insists on running Copilot on the NPU instead of the GPU to minimize the impact on battery life.
- Intel's Lunar Lake processors, which will come to market later this year, will offer three times more AI performance on both the GPU and the NPU than the existing Meteor Lake chips.