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Intel-powered Aurora supercomputer fails to dethrone AMD-powered Frontier on Top500 list, again — claims spot as…

May 13, 2024 -
The Intel-powered Aurora supercomputer, expected to take the top spot from the AMD-powered Frontier, has instead taken second place on the Top500 list. However, it did claim the top spot in the AI-centric HPL-MxP mixed-precision benchmark, making it the fastest AI supercomputer in the world with 10.6 AI Exaflops of performance. Despite this, Aurora is still not fully operational due to hardware issues, cooling system failures, and network instability, among other problems.

Aurora placed second with 1.012 Exaflops, breaking the Exaflop barrier with 87% of the system active. It also took first place in the HPL-MxP mixed-precision benchmark with 10.6 exaflops of AI performance with only 89% of the system active. However, it has not placed in the Green500, a list of the most power-efficient supercomputers, and it is unclear if it can beat Frontier in Linpack performance.

Key takeaways:

  • The Intel-powered Aurora supercomputer took second place in the Top500 list, falling behind the AMD-powered Frontier supercomputer.
  • Aurora did take the top spot in the AI-centric HPL-MxP mixed-precision benchmark, making it the fastest AI supercomputer in the world with 10.6 AI Exaflops of performance.
  • Aurora is still not fully operational due to numerous hardware issues like hardware and cooling system failures, operational errors, and network instability.
  • Despite its issues, Aurora is expected to surpass Frontier in the Top500 upon completion, according to a representative from Argonne National Laboratory.
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