The iPhone 16's camera will be upgraded with an Ultra Wide camera, increasing resolution from 12MP to 48MP. Apple's virtual assistant, Siri, is also expected to receive an AI-driven upgrade. The iPhone 16 lineup will feature an Action Button, which can be configured to initiate various apps and functionalities. The iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Plus will support Wi-Fi 6E, while the Pro versions may feature Wi-Fi 7.
Key takeaways:
- The upcoming iPhone 16 is expected to feature a faster A18 processor and an improved camera, with the base model using a CPU constructed on a 3-nanometer manufacturing process for the first time.
- The iPhone 16 will also reportedly have 8GB of RAM, an increase from the 6GB in the iPhone 15, and the Pro variants will use the new A18 Pro processor.
- The iPhone 16 Pro and Pro Max models are expected to have larger displays, measuring 6.27 and 6.85 inches respectively, and an updated Ultra Wide camera with a resolution increase from 12MP to 48MP.
- Apple's virtual assistant Siri is expected to receive an AI-driven upgrade, and the iPhone 16 lineup will reportedly support Wi-Fi 6E, with the Pro versions potentially featuring Wi-Fi 7.