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Is robotics about to have its own ChatGPT moment?

May 04, 2024 -
The article discusses the advancements in robotics and artificial intelligence (AI) that are enabling robots to perform complex tasks and adapt to new environments. It highlights the experiences of Henry and Jane Evans, who have been hosting various robot prototypes in their home since Henry's stroke in 2002. The couple's first robot, PR2, allowed Henry to perform tasks like shaving independently. More recently, they have been testing a smaller robot called Stretch, which can be controlled using a laptop and a tool that tracks head movements. The article also discusses the challenges of designing robots for home use, including the need for robots to adapt to unpredictable settings and varied conditions.

The article further explores how AI is being used to train robots. One method is reinforcement learning, which allows robots to improve through trial and error. Another method is imitation learning, where robots learn to perform tasks by imitating human actions. However, these methods require large amounts of data, which is currently scarce. To address this, Google DeepMind has initiated the Open X-Embodiment Collaboration, which aims to create a "robot internet" by collecting data from labs around the world. The project has already resulted in a data set of robots demonstrating 527 skills and has led to smarter robots that can learn skills 50% more successfully than previous systems.

Key takeaways:

  • Advancements in artificial intelligence are enabling robots to learn new skills and adapt to new environments faster than ever before, potentially bringing them out of factories and into homes.
  • Researchers are using AI techniques like reinforcement learning and imitation learning to train robots, allowing them to learn from their environment and adjust their behavior accordingly.
  • However, in order to imitate new behaviors, AI models need plenty of data, which is currently scarce and time-consuming for humans to collect.
  • Initiatives like the Open X-Embodiment Collaboration, started by Google DeepMind, aim to create a "robot internet" by collecting data from labs around the world, providing researchers with bigger, more scalable, and more diverse data sets.
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