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It sure looks like OpenAI trained Sora on game content — and legal experts say that could be a problem | TechCrunch

Dec 11, 2024 -
OpenAI's video-generating AI, Sora, can create short videos from text prompts or images, potentially using data from Twitch streams and game walkthroughs. While OpenAI has not disclosed specific training data sources, it acknowledged using publicly available and licensed data. This raises legal concerns, particularly if Sora's training set includes copyrighted video game content. Legal experts warn that training on unlicensed game footage could infringe on multiple copyright layers, including game developers, players, and user-generated content creators.

Generative AI models like Sora, which learn patterns from large datasets, face potential legal challenges if they produce outputs resembling copyrighted materials. Previous legal cases, such as those involving Google Books, suggest that courts may rule in favor of AI companies if their outputs are deemed transformative. However, users could still face liability if they publish AI-generated content that infringes on intellectual property rights. The legal landscape is further complicated by the potential for AI-generated content to violate trademark rights or likeness rights, especially as AI models increasingly generate real-time video game content.

Key takeaways:

  • OpenAI's video-generating AI, Sora, may have been trained on video game playthroughs, raising potential copyright concerns.
  • Generative AI models like Sora are probabilistic and can produce outputs resembling their training data, which can lead to legal issues.
  • There are multiple layers of copyright protection in video game content, complicating the legal landscape for AI training on such data.
  • Legal disputes around generative AI and copyright could have significant implications for the video game industry and other creative markets.
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