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Japan is making way for AI-powered medical technologies

Mar 16, 2024 -
Japan is increasingly adopting AI-powered medical technologies to address the growing shortage of medical workers, which is intensifying the stress on the healthcare system due to the country's rapidly aging population. John Collings, Asia-Pacific president of Stryker, a U.S.-based medical technologies company, and chair of the Asia Pacific Medical Technology Association, highlights this trend.

The article also suggests that the digital shift in healthcare is permanent, with countries like Indonesia and its ASEAN neighbors turning to telemedicine. The piece also mentions the plans of a Singapore digital healthcare group to raise $25 million. The article is part of a broader discussion on the evolving nature of machine learning-based devices and their role in new policies.

Key takeaways:

  • Japan is increasingly using AI-powered medical technologies to address a growing shortage of medical workers.
  • This shortage is exacerbating health care system stresses caused by the rapid aging of the country's population.
  • John Collings, Asia-Pacific president of Stryker, a U.S.-based medical technologies company, and chair of the Asia Pacific Medical Technology Association, is mentioned in the article.
  • The article also provides links to related topics such as digital technology in healthcare, South Korea's economic future, and the need to improve oxygen access.
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