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Jeff Bezos' net worth slumped by $5 billion in a single day after the FTC sued Amazon

Sep 27, 2023 -
Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, saw his personal fortune decrease by $5 billion in a single day after the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) filed a lawsuit against Amazon over alleged anti-competitive business practices. The lawsuit led to a 4% drop in Amazon shares on Tuesday, erasing $55 billion from the company's market cap. Bezos, who owns about 990.5 million Amazon shares, had his wealth significantly impacted by this drop.

Despite this significant loss, Bezos's net worth is still up by $43 billion this year, totaling $150 billion, largely due to the increase in Amazon's stock price. This growth is part of a broader trend of tech billionaires seeing their fortunes increase due to the rising demand for AI-related stocks.

Key takeaways:

  • Jeff Bezos' personal fortune dropped by $5 billion in a single day due to the Federal Trade Commission filing a lawsuit against Amazon over alleged anti-competitive business practices.
  • The lawsuit resulted in Amazon's market cap decreasing by $55 billion, more than the entire value of Ford.
  • Despite the significant drop, Bezos's net worth is still up $43 billion this year at $150 billion due to Amazon's stock price rally.
  • Bezos is part of a group of tech billionaires who have seen their fortunes increase significantly due to the boom in demand for AI-related stocks.
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