Jerky, 7-Fingered Scarlett Johansson Appears In Video To Express Full-Fledged Approval Of OpenAI
May 24, 2024 -
A video featuring a seven-fingered, jerky version of Scarlett Johansson was released in response to allegations that OpenAI used the actress's voice without her consent. In the video, Johansson, referred to as Scar Johnson, expressed her full approval of OpenAI, stating that the AI research organization has all legal rights over her name, image, and likeness. She also voiced her support for the work being done by the team and Sam Altoid, despite a few glitches in her speech.
The video ended with Johansson morphing into a banister, further emphasizing the artificial nature of her appearance. This unusual response to the allegations against OpenAI highlights the capabilities of the organization to manipulate voices and images, while also raising questions about the ethical implications of such actions.
Key takeaways:
A seven-fingered Scarlett Johansson appeared in a video to express her approval of OpenAI.
She stated that OpenAI has all legal rights over her name, image, and likeness.
She supports what the team and Sam Altoid are doing in their company by using her voice.
At the end of the video, Johansson morphed into the banister she placed her hand on.