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Key Stable Diffusion Researchers Leave Stability AI As Company Flounders

Mar 20, 2024 -
Key members of the artificial intelligence research team at Stability AI, a British AI company, have resigned. The team developed Stable Diffusion, a text-to-image generation model that contributed significantly to the AI boom. The resignations are the latest in a series of high-profile departures from the company, which has been struggling financially after raising a $100 million seed round in 2022. The company is also facing a cash crunch, with expenditure far exceeding revenue, and has been unsuccessful in its attempts to raise additional funds.

Stability AI's success is largely attributed to the Stable Diffusion research, which was initially an academic project. The company became involved when CEO Emad Mostaque offered the researchers computing resources to further develop the model. However, the company has faced criticism for misrepresenting its contributions to the research. Stability AI is also dealing with copyright infringement lawsuits and has sold off assets, including Paris-based image generating and editing platform Clipdrop.

Key takeaways:

  • Key members of the artificial intelligence research team that developed Stable Diffusion, a text-to-image generation model, have resigned from British AI company Stability AI.
  • Stability AI has seen a mass exodus of executives and is struggling to raise additional funds as its cash reserves dwindle.
  • The company is facing a cash crunch, with spending on wages and compute power far outstripping revenue, and has sold off assets and launched a paid tier for commercial users of its tools.
  • Stability AI also faces copyright infringement lawsuits brought by Getty Images and a group of artists in the U.S. and U.K., who claim that it scrapped art and stock photos to train its models.
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