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Kick, a Twitch rival that has generous creator deals, online gambling, and lax moderation, tries to move beyond edgy content amid public and regulatory pressure

Dec 04, 2023 -
The document appears to be an archive page from the Techmeme website, dated December 4, 2023. It includes a list of top news sources and individuals, presumably related to the tech industry, but does not provide specific details about the news stories or topics covered.

The page also mentions sections for sponsor posts, tech job listings, and upcoming tech events. It also provides information about the page's function as an archive and how to access different versions of the site. Additionally, it references other news sources and individuals in the "Earlier Picks" section, but again, no specific news topics or stories are mentioned.

Key takeaways:

I'm sorry, but the provided text doesn't contain any specific article or content to extract key points from. It seems to be a general layout or template for a news page, not an actual article. Please provide a specific article or content to extract key points from.
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