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Larry Page once called Elon Musk a 'specieist' over Musk's AI concerns

Dec 03, 2023 -
Elon Musk and Larry Page, two tech giants, had a heated argument about the future of AI at Musk's 44th birthday party in 2015, which reportedly ended their friendship. Page, the co-founder of Google, envisioned a "digital utopia" where humans would merge with intelligent machines, while Musk, the CEO of Tesla, warned that machines would destroy humanity. The disagreement continued beyond the party, with Musk opposing Google's acquisition of AI lab DeepMind and later launching his own AI startup, xAI.

The debate over AI's potential dangers has also caused internal disputes within OpenAI, a nonprofit research lab co-founded by Musk. OpenAI's board has had disagreements about the risks AI poses to humanity, leading to the temporary ousting of co-founder Sam Altman. Musk left OpenAI's board in 2018 after a failed takeover attempt.

Key takeaways:

  • Elon Musk and Larry Page had a heated argument about the dangers of AI at Musk's 44th birthday party in 2015, which reportedly ended their friendship.
  • Page believes in a 'digital utopia' where humans would eventually merge with intelligent machines, while Musk fears that machines would wipe out humanity.
  • Musk tried to convince DeepMind's founder not to sell to Google, arguing that the future of AI should not be controlled by Larry Page.
  • Musk later launched OpenAI, a nonprofit research lab dedicated to ensuring AI systems would benefit humanity, and his own AI startup called xAI.
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