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Launch HN: Metriport (YC S22) – Open-source API for healthcare data exchange

May 23, 2024 -
Metriport is an open-source platform designed to facilitate the access and exchange of medical data for healthcare organizations. The platform connects to all major healthcare IT systems in the US, aiming to solve the problem of archaic methods of data exchange, such as faxing medical records. Metriport connects to all three major Health Information Exchanges (HIEs) and provides an API and dashboard that allows for the input of basic patient demographics, searches for the patient's records across multiple HIEs, fetches and converts the records into usable JSON data, and makes the data available on the API and dashboard.

The platform also allows for the contribution of new clinical patient information back to the providers in the network, eliminating the need for many one-off EHR integrations. Metriport has open-sourced its patient matching algorithm and FHIR converter, aiming to improve the usability of healthcare data. The platform is fully SOC 2 Type 2 and HIPAA compliant and charges per full medical record retrieval for a patient. The company offers a free sandbox environment for anyone wanting to try out the platform.

Key takeaways:

  • Metriport is an open-source platform that facilitates easy access and exchange of medical data for healthcare organizations, supporting all major healthcare IT systems in the US.
  • Metriport connects to all 3 major Health Information Exchanges (HIE) networks and provides an API and dashboard, allowing healthtech companies and providers to tap into a single 'internet of healthcare data'.
  • Metriport has open-sourced their patient matching algorithm and their FHIR converter, in an effort to improve the usability of healthcare data and encourage innovation in the field.
  • Metriport charges per full medical record retrieval for a patient, starting at $1 per query, and scales down based on volume. They only charge for queries that return at least one record.
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