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Level Up Stable Diffusion with IP-Adapter

Nov 13, 2023 -
The article discusses the use of ControlNet and T2I-Adapters in Stable Diffusion practices, highlighting their effectiveness in control and their design as lightweight, composable units. It also introduces the IP-Adapter, a powerful tool released by Tencent AI Lab, designed to enable a pretrained text-to-image diffusion model to generate images with image prompts. The IP-Adapter replaces each UNet’s cross-attention layer with a more capable version, able to consume both text and image tokens, and is compatible and composable with ControlNet.

The article further explains how to swap specific layers in the PyTorch-based microframework, Refiners, and how to create the adapter scaffold. It provides a step-by-step guide on how to retrieve all cross-attention layers and implement decoupled cross-attentions. The article concludes by emphasizing the seamless composition of compatible adapters, such as ControlNet, T2I-Adapter, and IP-Adapter, in the Refiners framework.

Key takeaways:

  • The IP-Adapter, released by Tencent AI Lab, is a lightweight and powerful tool that enables a pretrained text-to-image diffusion model to generate images with image prompt.
  • The IP-Adapter is designed to be compatible and composable with ControlNet and similar tools, making it a perfect candidate for Refiners, a PyTorch-based microframework for foundation model adaptation.
  • Refiners provides an Adapter class used to replace any target layer by another one, allowing for model surgery without altering the original UNet implementation.
  • Combining adapters in Refiners is as simple as injecting extra adapters in addition to the IP-Adapter, providing seamless composition of compatible adapters.
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