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LIDA | LIDA: Automated Visualizations with LLMs

Aug 29, 2023 -
The article discusses the development of LIDA, a novel tool designed to assist users in the automatic creation of visualizations. The tool addresses several subtasks including understanding the semantics of data, enumerating relevant visualization goals, and generating visualization specifications. LIDA is presented as a multi-stage generation problem solution, using large language models (LLMs) and image generation models (IGMs) in a well-orchestrated pipeline to perform these tasks.

LIDA consists of four modules: a SUMMARIZER that converts data into a compact natural language summary, a GOAL EXPLORER that enumerates visualization goals based on the data, a VISGENERATOR that generates and refines visualization code, and an INFOGRAPHER module that produces stylized graphics using IGMs. The tool offers a Python API and a hybrid user interface for interactive chart, infographics, and data story generation.

Key takeaways:

  • The article presents a new tool called LIDA for generating grammar-agnostic visualizations and infographics.
  • LIDA addresses several subtasks in visualization creation, including understanding data semantics, enumerating visualization goals, and generating visualization specifications.
  • LIDA is composed of four modules: a SUMMARIZER, a GOAL EXPLORER, a VISGENERATOR, and an INFOGRAPHER.
  • LIDA provides a Python API and a hybrid user interface for interactive chart, infographics, and data story generation.
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