Mach9 initially aimed to develop mobile mapping systems and collect geospatial data themselves, but later realized that the bigger problem was how to turn mapping data into insights. The company recently closed a $12 million seed round led by Quiet Capital, with participation from new and existing investors. The funds will be used to grow its 14-person team and build out the software, with the aim of scaling from being able to automatically identify around 20 different features today to “hundreds and thousands” in the future.
Key takeaways:
- Mach9, a startup founded in 2021, is using AI to convert mobile lidar scans into 2D and 3D engineering models to help with infrastructure maintenance and improvement.
- The company's flagship product, Digital Surveyor, can automatically identify over 20 features, such as utility poles and traffic signals, which are usually manually identified by human operators.
- Mach9's customers include major infrastructure providers and engineering service companies in the U.S. and Canada, and the company recently closed a $12 million seed round led by Quiet Capital.
- The company plans to expand its software's capabilities to identify hundreds and thousands of different features in the future, and to grow its 14-person team.