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Mark Zuckerberg's Next Big Thing. He Was Right, But In All The Wrong Ways.

Sep 25, 2023 -
The article discusses the criticism faced by Mark Zuckerberg and Meta (formerly Facebook) and compares their attempts to make a positive impact on humanity with those of other influential figures like Getty, Gates, Rockefeller, Hearst, and Bezos. It highlights the skepticism and challenges faced by Meta in convincing people of its genuine intent to create a positive change, especially with its concept of the Metaverse.

The author identifies five key factors to consider before passing judgment on Meta's still-developing idea of the Metaverse. These include the diversity of companies offering components for a virtual world, the lack of a killer application, skepticism towards a single platform, the need to avoid hubris, and the power of AI. The article concludes by advising visionary CEOs and leaders to be humble, convey a compelling vision, and ensure there are clear and believable landing zones for their ideas.

Key takeaways:

  • Many companies are offering components for a virtual world, and Meta's challenge is to create a user-friendly and compelling on-ramp to its vision of the metaverse.
  • The Metaverse, as defined by Meta, lacks a clearly visible and understandable killer application, and the lack of a clear landing zone is a significant shortcoming.
  • Life is not a single-platform experience, and a one-size-fits-all approach is seldom realistic or desirable, which is a point of skepticism for Meta's single platform vision.
  • Meta's vision must avoid appearing self-serving or selfish, and it needs to foster an ecosystem and inspire engagement from others to avoid the perception of hubris.
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