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Market Intelligence with Reddit, Graphlit and Azure AI - Graphlit

Oct 25, 2023 -
The article discusses how to use Graphlit and Azure AI for market intelligence, specifically focusing on Reddit as a data source. It explains how to automate the process of ingesting data from Reddit posts, analyzing them using Azure AI, and extracting structured data from unstructured sources. The article provides examples of the most mentioned companies, people, and software products from Reddit posts, and gives a step-by-step walkthrough on how to build this system using Graphlit's GraphQL API.

The article also provides a Python script for converting the extracted data from JSON format to CSV for easier visualization and analysis. It concludes by stating that Graphlit is a powerful tool for automated data ingestion and analysis, and promises a future tutorial on leveraging the extracted data using Large Language Models (LLMs).

Key takeaways:

  • Market intelligence can be automated using Graphlit and Azure AI, which can ingest data from public sources like social media, podcasts, and websites to build a knowledge base about businesses of interest.
  • Reddit can be a valuable source of information for research, providing real-time insights into consumer sentiment, emerging trends, and product feedback. Monitoring relevant subreddits can provide access to unfiltered, authentic opinions and discussions.
  • Graphlit can be used to ingest Reddit posts and analyze them with Azure AI, extracting entities such as people, organizations, and labels (topics). This can be done with a few API calls and no AI experience required.
  • The extracted data can be converted into CSV format for easier visualization and can be imported into any spreadsheet or business intelligence tool. This allows for a structured analysis of the most mentioned companies, people, and software products in a given subreddit.
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