Marketing GPTs by Adsby are designed specifically for small business owners and startups. These AI solutions cover a wide range of marketing needs from writing ad copy to product descriptions. The platform's generators allow users to create ad copies, keywords, Instagram captions, and hashtags specific to their brand in seconds. Users can join the Adsby waitlist to stay updated with the platform's advancements in AI-enhanced search advertising.
Key takeaways:
- Adsby is an AI platform designed to improve search engine advertising, offering solutions to enhance ad targeting and engagement.
- Adsby uses GPTs, a technology by OpenAI, to create custom AI models that can assist in various roles such as ad copy generation, keyword generation, and Instagram caption generation.
- Adsby's GPTs are designed specifically for small businesses and startups, aiming to meet their marketing needs from writing ad copy to product descriptions.
- Adsby is planning to launch more features soon, including a product description generator, an email copy generator, a persona generator, and an audience generator.