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Mathstral: A New LLM that is Good at Math Reasoning

Jul 21, 2024 -
Mistral AI has launched mathstral, a 7B model specifically designed for math reasoning and scientific discovery, which is available under the Apache 2.0 license. The model, which has a 32k context window, can solve complex math problems and is capable of understanding elementary school math, unlike most leading edge Language Learning Models (LLMs) such as GPT-4o. The model can be run locally using LlamaEdge, a Rust + Wasm stack, and can be interacted with via an API server.

The article also explains how to offer mathstral as a service using the GaiaNet project. After installing the required software, the model can be downloaded and run, serving over an OpenAI compatible API endpoint and a web-based chatbot UI. GaiaNet also allows users to manipulate prompts, add contexts, and incorporate a proprietary knowledge base to ground the LLM answers in truth.

Key takeaways:

  • Mistral AI has released a new model called mathstral, designed specifically for math reasoning and scientific discovery. This model is finetuned and has a 32k context window.
  • The model can be run locally using the LlamaEdge tech stack, and the article provides a detailed guide on how to install and use it.
  • Mathstral demonstrated its ability to solve a common sense math question, proving that finetuned open source models can outperform larger closed source models in specialized areas.
  • The GaiaNet project allows users to share the mathstral model as a service, adding their own context and knowledge base to ground the model's answers.
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