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MaziyarPanahi/Meta-Llama-3-8B-Instruct-GGUF · OK llama 3 8b model is INSANE. Is almost as good as wizard 2 8x22b!

Apr 19, 2024 -
The discussion revolves around the impressive performance of the new Llama-3 8B model, which is being compared to the Wizard 2 8x22B model. Users are amazed at the reasoning capability of the Llama-3 8B model, noting that it can answer complex questions and generate code for a snake game in Python. They also discuss the potential of fine-tuning the model and the anticipation of future models like Mistral 2 8B and Mixtral 2 Instruct 8x8B.

The users also mention that the Llama-3 8B model was trained on 15 trillion tokens, which might explain its performance. They also discuss the potential of the Llama-3 70B model, with one user sharing a screenshot of a complex question answered correctly by the model. The discussion concludes with the anticipation of future improvements and the potential challenges of multi-turn conversations.

Key takeaways:

  • The 8b model from Llama-3 is highly impressive in its performance, with users comparing it favorably to the wizard 2 8x22b model.
  • Despite its smaller size, the 8b model demonstrates high reasoning capability, answering complex questions accurately and even generating code for a snake game in Python.
  • There is speculation that the impressive performance of the 8b model is due to it being trained for an extended period with more data, as suggested by Karpathy.
  • Users are excited about the potential of the 8b model, with some expressing interest in seeing what can be achieved with fine-tuning and others looking forward to the release of larger models.
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