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Meta AI chief says large language models will not reach human intelligence

May 22, 2024 -
The article is promoting different subscription plans for the Financial Times. The initial offer is a trial period of four weeks for $1, after which the cost is $75 per month. This subscription provides complete digital access to FT journalism on any device, with the option to cancel anytime during the trial. There are also other offers that combine standard digital access with weekend print editions, with a 20% discount for upfront annual payment.

The article emphasizes the quality of FT journalism and the convenience of accessing it on any device. It also highlights the added value of expert analysis from industry leaders for certain subscription plans. The Financial Times is positioning itself as a trusted source of news, with over a million paying readers.

Key takeaways:

  • The subscription offers unlimited access to quality FT journalism on any device.
  • The subscription costs $1 for the first 4 weeks, then $75 per month.
  • There are different subscription options available, including Standard Digital and Weekend Print + Standard Digital.
  • Subscribers can save 20% by paying a year upfront.
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