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Meta filmed Mr Beast, Paris Hilton and 26 more to build celebrity AIs based on Llama 2 | TechCrunch

Sep 28, 2023 -
Meta, the parent company of Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp, has unveiled 28 AI characters based on famous personalities, including Tom Brady, Charli D’Amelio, Snoop Dog, and Paris Hilton. These AI characters, built on the Llama 2 large language model, can be called into conversations across Meta's platforms, providing advice and interaction in their areas of expertise. The characters are not video clips, but AI-generated animations created from footage of the celebrities, with the aim of preserving each character's unique personality and tone.

However, Meta has not disclosed the details behind the creation of these celebrity characters or the business model supporting it. The company has confirmed that there is no audio for now, but it is expected to be introduced next year. The AI characters will appear across multiple social platforms and interfaces, allowing influencers and media personalities to maintain their brand authenticity while increasing their output and engagement.

Key takeaways:

  • Meta, the parent company of Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp, has unveiled 28 AI characters based on famous celebrities, which can interact with users across all of Meta's platforms.
  • The AI characters, built on the Llama 2 large language model, are not video clips but generated AI animations, created using generative techniques from filmed footage of the celebrities they represent.
  • The AI characters can provide fun and helpful advice in their areas of expertise, but the company has not yet revealed how the celebrities are being compensated for their likenesses.
  • While there is currently no audio for these AI characters, it is expected to be introduced next year, and the characters are expected to be used across multiple social platforms and interfaces.
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