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Meta to Political Ads: If You're Using AI Trickery, You Better Put a Disclaimer

Nov 09, 2023 -
Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, has announced a new policy to increase transparency in political advertising. Starting next year, if an ad uses AI to alter or fabricate content, the advertisers must disclose this fact. The move is an extension of Meta's existing transparency measures, which require political advertisers to complete an authorization process and include a "Paid for by" disclaimer on their ads.

The new rule is not aimed at minor alterations like color adjustments or cropping, but at significant changes that could potentially mislead viewers. This policy change comes in the wake of concerns about the use of AI in political advertising. As the next major election approaches, lawmakers are also drafting regulations to address this issue, making Meta's move a proactive step towards greater transparency in digital advertising.

Key takeaways:

  • Meta, the company behind Facebook and Instagram, is implementing a new "no secrets" policy that requires advertisers to disclose if they use AI to manipulate or fabricate content in their ads.
  • This policy is an extension of Meta's existing transparency measures for political ads, which require advertisers to complete an authorization process and include a "Paid for by" disclaimer on their ads.
  • The new rule does not apply to minor changes, such as color adjustments or cropping, but rather to significant alterations that could potentially mislead viewers.
  • This move comes in anticipation of new regulations being drafted by lawmakers regarding AI in political advertising, positioning Meta as a proactive player in the industry.
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