However, LLaMA faced issues when its code was leaked on 4chan, leading to security concerns and criticism from Senators Josh Hawley and Richard Blumenthal. Despite this, Meta continued its AI development, releasing Llama 2 and unveiling its new generation of Ray-Ban Meta smart glasses and AI chatbots. Other tech companies like Google and Microsoft also rushed to launch their own chatbots, with mixed results.
Key takeaways:
- Meta's chief AI scientist, Yann LeCun, warned Mark Zuckerberg about the potential threat of OpenAI's ChatGPT and urged him to develop a rival AI assistant.
- Despite initial resistance, Zuckerberg decided to proceed with the development of Meta's own AI model, which was later named LLaMA.
- LLaMA faced issues after its code was leaked on 4chan, leading to criticism from Senators Josh Hawley and Richard Blumenthal who alleged that Meta failed to conduct a meaningful risk assessment before its release.
- Despite the challenges, Meta continued its AI development efforts, releasing Llama 2 and several AI chatbots that impersonate celebrities.