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Michael Adex: the entrepreneur aiming to inspire black-founded tech startups

Dec 27, 2024 -
Michael Adex, a Manchester-raised entertainment mogul, has achieved significant success by the age of 28, including managing rapper Aitch, founding a talent agency, record label, and global music publishing business, and launching brands like MODA tequila and Sypz bottled water. Adex emphasizes the importance of resources and funding for fledgling companies, particularly for black entrepreneurs who face challenges in securing investment. As an ambassador for Digital Catapult’s Black Founders programme, he supports black-founded startups in deep tech fields such as AI, quantum computing, and blockchain, helping them navigate the path from idea to commercial success.

The Black Founders programme, supported by Digital Catapult, aims to break down barriers for underrepresented entrepreneurs by providing guidance on raising funds and articulating visions. The programme includes startups applying immersive technologies to music production, gaming, storytelling, and education. Adex's journey highlights the potential for deep tech to enhance the UK's creative industries, with his entertainment agency, NQ, partnering with Columbia Records UK to promote emerging music stars. Jessica Rushworth of Digital Catapult underscores the programme's role in unlocking opportunities for the UK’s creative economy.

Key takeaways:

  • Michael Adex, a successful entertainment mogul, is known for his work with chart-topping artists and ventures like MODA tequila and Sypz bottled water.
  • Adex is an ambassador for Digital Catapult's Black Founders programme, which supports black entrepreneurs in the deep tech sector.
  • The Black Founders programme aims to address the low investment in black-founded companies in the UK, which currently stands at just 0.2%.
  • Adex emphasizes the importance of resources and support for entrepreneurs to grow and succeed, highlighting the role of programmes like Black Founders in providing guidance on raising funds and articulating visions.
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