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Microsoft announces a new Copilot keyboard key, shipping in new PCs and laptops from partners, the first major change to Windows PC keyboard layouts in 30 years

Jan 04, 2024 -
The article is a Techmeme archive page from January 4, 2024, providing a snapshot of the site's content at 4:40 AM ET. It includes a roundup of top news from various sources including Ars Technica, Protos, New York Post, Gizmodo, The Messenger, The Verge, and Greenberg Traurig, LLP. The news covers a wide range of topics, from technology and business to gaming and cryptocurrency.

The page also features a list of Mastodon and Twitter handles of individuals presumably related to the news stories, as well as forums like Hacker News. It mentions several upcoming tech events and provides links to more news from sources like Reuters, Bloomberg, The Verge, The Daily Beast, and Rolling Stone. The page also includes sections for sponsor posts and job listings in tech.

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I'm sorry, but your request cannot be fulfilled as the provided text does not contain a specific article or clear points that can be summarized into bullet points. The text appears to be a list of various news sources and social media handles, without any specific context or content that can be summarized.
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