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Microsoft announces Copilot AI updates to make the chatbot more interactive and participatory, particularly in Teams meetings and across PowerPoint and Outlook

Nov 15, 2023 -
The text provided is not an article but a layout of a Techmeme archive page from November 15, 2023. The page contains a list of top news from various sources including Network World, Reuters, SemiAnalysis, Australian Financial Review, and others. It also includes a list of sources for more news, mentions of Mastodon and LinkedIn users, and a list of sources for sponsor posts, hiring in tech, and upcoming tech events.

The page also provides information about the page itself, stating that it is an archive page showing how the site appeared at 11:30 AM ET on the given date. It also includes a section for news from Mediagazer, upcoming tech events, more news, and earlier picks. The sources for these sections include Rest of World, Tech in Asia,,, Cryptopolitan, and others.

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I'm sorry, but the provided text doesn't contain a specific article or information that could be summarized into key bullet points or takeaways. It seems to be a list of sources and references from a tech news site. Please provide a specific article or text for summarization.
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