The company's update also recommended people use its own Bing Chat tool, which relies on OpenAI artificial intelligence models. Microsoft has invested billions in OpenAI and the two companies are closely tied, with Microsoft's Azure cloud infrastructure running OpenAI services. Despite this, Microsoft emphasized that employees must exercise caution when using third-party external services due to privacy and security risks.
Key takeaways:
- Microsoft temporarily blocked its employees from using OpenAI's ChatGPT due to security and data concerns.
- The company later reinstated access to ChatGPT, stating that the temporary blockage was a mistake resulting from a test of systems for large language models.
- Microsoft has invested billions of dollars in OpenAI and encourages its employees and customers to use services like Bing Chat Enterprise and ChatGPT Enterprise that come with greater levels of privacy and security protections.
- OpenAI's ChatGPT, which composes human-like responses to people's chat messages, has over 100 million users and is often restricted by large companies to prevent the sharing of confidential data.