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MIT affiliates named 2024 Schmidt Futures AI2050 Fellows

Dec 13, 2024 -
Five MIT faculty members and two alumni have been named to the 2024 cohort of AI2050 Fellows, an honor announced by Schmidt Futures, a philanthropic initiative led by Eric and Wendy Schmidt. The AI2050 initiative aims to address challenging AI problems with the central question: “It’s 2050. AI has turned out to be hugely beneficial to society. What happened?” The MIT-affiliated fellows include David Autor, a senior fellow whose research focuses on AI's impact on labor markets; Sara Beery, an early career fellow working on computer vision for environmental monitoring; Gabriele Farina, an early career fellow specializing in AI, operations research, and economics; Marzyeh Ghassemi, an early career fellow focusing on robust and fair ML models in health settings; and Yoon Kim, an early career fellow exploring natural language processing and machine learning.

Additional alumni recognized are Roger Grosse, a senior fellow and computer science associate professor at the University of Toronto, and David Rolnick, an early career fellow and assistant professor at Mila-Quebec AI Institute. These fellows are acknowledged for their contributions to AI research and their efforts to solve complex problems in the field, with projects ranging from AI's interaction with human capabilities to strategic reasoning and health-focused machine learning models.

Key takeaways:

  • Five MIT faculty members and two alumni were named to the 2024 cohort of AI2050 Fellows by Schmidt Futures.
  • The AI2050 initiative, co-chaired by Eric Schmidt and James Manyika, aims to solve hard problems in AI with a focus on ensuring AI benefits society by 2050.
  • MIT-affiliated fellows include David Autor, Sara Beery, Gabriele Farina, Marzyeh Ghassemi, and Yoon Kim, each contributing to AI research in diverse fields such as labor markets, computer vision, game theory, health, and natural language processing.
  • Additional alumni Roger Grosse and David Rolnick were also recognized as AI2050 Fellows, highlighting their contributions to computer science and AI research.
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