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MockPolar AI

Jan 23, 2024 -
The article introduces MockPolar AI, a tool designed to generate mock data for B2B SaaS AI application MVPs. It presents three options for obtaining another company's data: requesting the data from the company, creating fake accounts, or using MockPolar AI. The first two options are deemed ineffective, with the latter being recommended as it provides high-quality, worry-free data with just a few clicks.

MockPolar AI is currently in beta and is inviting potential users to share their use cases. The article includes a snippet of the type of customer service data that can be generated, in this case, from a hypothetical travel agent. The data includes various details such as subject, description, recipient, assignee_id, created_at, and more.

Key takeaways:

  • Getting another company's data for building a B2B SaaS AI application MVP can be challenging and time-consuming.
  • MockPolar AI provides an efficient solution by generating high-quality, worry-free data with just a few clicks.
  • The data provided by MockPolar AI is generated by GenAI and can include customer service data from various industries, such as travel agencies.
  • MockPolar AI is currently in beta and is open to working with new clients to meet their specific use case needs.
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