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Most-Active US Investors: Sequoia, Khosla, General Catalyst Lead Strong Pack In April

May 15, 2024 -
The top five firms investing in U.S.-based startups in April were Sequoia Capital, Khosla Ventures, General Catalyst, Lux Capital, and Founders Fund, making a combined 46 investments. Notable deals included General Catalyst's lead in Collaborative Robotics' $100 million Series B and participation in Ramp's $150 million round, Khosla Ventures' participation in Varda’s $90 million Series B, and Sequoia Capital's involvement in Xaira Therapeutics' $1 billion raise.

Founders Fund made eight deals, including co-leading the Ramp deal and participating in Rippling’s $200 million round. Lux Capital also made eight deals, including co-leading a $32 million venture round for Ripcord. Other notable investors included FJ Labs, Lightspeed Venture Partners, GV and 8VC 1, each with seven deals. Arch Venture Partners led the list for number of rounds led or co-led with the highest dollar amounts, totaling almost $1.4 billion.

Key takeaways:

  • The top five firms investing in U.S.-based startups in April were Sequoia Capital, Khosla Ventures, General Catalyst, Lux Capital and Founders Fund, making a combined 46 investments.
  • General Catalyst, Khosla Ventures, and Sequoia Capital each made 10 deals in April, marking a high for each firm this year.
  • Founders Fund and Lux Capital each made eight deals in April, with Founders Fund leading a $175 million investment for Cognition and Lux Capital co-leading a $32 million round for Ripcord.
  • Y Combinator was the top investing incubator and accelerator in April, with 111 deals following its most recent demo day.
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