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Mushroom pickers urged to avoid foraging books on Amazon that appear to be written by AI

Sep 01, 2023 -
Amazon has been warned about foraging books on its platform that appear to be written by AI chatbots, which could potentially mislead amateur mushroom pickers. The books, which include guides to wild mushroom foraging, have been identified as AI-generated by, a firm that detects AI content. The company found that all four samples tested had a 100% AI detection score, indicating a high likelihood that they were written by a chatbot.

Experts have criticized the books for containing potentially dangerous misinformation. For instance, one book encourages using taste as a method of mushroom identification, a practice that is strongly discouraged due to the risk of poisoning. Amazon has stated that it is reviewing the books in question and is committed to providing a safe shopping and reading experience.

Key takeaways:

  • Amazon has been selling foraging books that appear to have been written by artificial intelligence chatbots, including guides to wild mushroom foraging.
  • These books have been criticized for containing potentially dangerous misinformation, such as encouraging tasting as a method of mushroom identification.
  • Experts have warned that the differences between edible and non-edible mushrooms can be subtle and require experienced knowledge to discern.
  • Amazon is reviewing the books in question and has stated its commitment to providing a safe shopping and reading experience.
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