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My kid sounds like ChatGPT, and soon yours might, too

Dec 29, 2023 -
The author has noticed a change in their 14-year-old son's speech and writing patterns, which have started to resemble the style of ChatGPT, a language learning model (LLM). The author suggests that while we often discuss how AI learns from human language, it's possible that AI could also influence human communication. The author also raises the question of whether this influence could have far-reaching implications, especially as it becomes harder to distinguish between natural and AI-influenced language.

The author doesn't view this as a significant concern, but more of a thought experiment. They believe that while LLMs like ChatGPT may influence children's communication styles, it's unlikely that many children could perfectly replicate the AI's voice. However, the author does acknowledge the potential for AI to influence our communication as these services become more widespread.

Key takeaways:

  • The author has noticed their son's speech and writing patterns becoming similar to the AI, ChatGPT, particularly during formal communication.
  • While initially finding this amusing, the author considers the wider implications of children adopting the quirks of language learning models (LLMs).
  • The author suggests that as humans and LLMs influence each other's language styles, it could become difficult to distinguish between natural and acquired voices.
  • Despite these observations, the author does not see this as a major concern and believes that children are unlikely to perfectly replicate the voice of an AI like ChatGPT.
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