Leaked specifications suggest that the S24 range will have the same amount of RAM as previous models, between 8GB and 12GB. This has disappointed some fans who were expecting an increase to 16GB. However, it's argued that 12GB of RAM is sufficient to power Samsung’s AI ambitions, as demonstrated by Google’s Pixel 8 Pro which also has 12GB of RAM and a host of generative AI image skills. More information is expected when the handsets launch next month.
Key takeaways:
- Samsung’s Galaxy S24, S24 Plus and S24 Ultra have received certification from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) for sale in the U.S., indicating an early launch date.
- The new Galaxy devices may use Qualcomm’s latest Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 processor, according to the FCC report.
- Leaked specifications reveal that the S24 range will have the same amount of RAM as previous models, between 8GB and 12GB, which has disappointed some fans.
- The handsets are expected to launch next month, and performance reviews will provide more information on the device's capabilities.