Samsung aims to establish itself as the leader in device AI, as stated by company executives Jong-hee Han and Young-hyun Jeon. The Snapdragon 8 Elite's AI enhancements are expected to elevate the Galaxy S25 series beyond current models, with features that cannot be matched by software updates on older devices. The full details of the Galaxy S25 series will be revealed at the upcoming Samsung Unpacked event.
Key takeaways:
- Samsung's Galaxy S25 Ultra is expected to feature significant AI improvements over the Galaxy S24 Ultra.
- The Galaxy S25 series will likely include a free subscription to Google's Gemini Advanced AI platform.
- The Snapdragon 8 Elite SoC will power the Galaxy S25 series, offering a 45% AI performance improvement.
- AI-powered camera enhancements in the Galaxy S25 series include limitless Semantic Segmentation at 4K resolution and ultra-low-light video capture.