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Nvidia open-sources Run:ai, the software it acquired for $700M to help companies manage GPUs for AI

Dec 30, 2024 -
Nvidia has completed its acquisition of Run:ai, a software company specializing in orchestrating GPU clouds for AI, for a reported $700 million. The acquisition will see Nvidia open-source Run:ai's software, which currently supports only Nvidia GPUs, to extend its availability across the AI ecosystem. This move is likely aimed at addressing antitrust concerns, similar to Microsoft's strategy when acquiring Activision Blizzard. Run:ai's founders expressed that open-sourcing the software will empower the AI community to build better AI solutions and enhance the flexibility, efficiency, and utilization of GPU systems.

The acquisition aligns with Nvidia's strategy to emphasize software alongside its hardware offerings, providing customers with maximum choice and efficiency in GPU orchestration. Run:ai, founded in 2018 in Israel, has been working with Nvidia since 2020 and has joint customers. The company aims to continue empowering AI teams with diverse tools and platforms while advancing AI infrastructure capabilities. As part of Nvidia, Run:ai sees an opportunity to further its mission of driving AI innovation and addressing global challenges through accelerated computing.

Key takeaways:

  • Nvidia has completed its acquisition of Run:ai, a company specializing in orchestrating GPU clouds for AI, and plans to open-source its software.
  • The acquisition, reportedly valued at $700 million, aims to enhance Nvidia's AI infrastructure offerings and address antitrust concerns by open-sourcing Run:ai's platform.
  • Run:ai's founders believe open-sourcing their software will extend its availability across the AI ecosystem and empower AI teams with more flexibility and efficiency.
  • Nvidia and Run:ai have collaborated since 2020, and the acquisition aligns with Nvidia's strategy to provide maximum choice, efficiency, and flexibility for GPU orchestration software.
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