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OpenAI forms Preparedness, a new team to assess, evaluate, and probe AI models to protect against “catastrophic risks”, including biological and nuclear threats

Oct 26, 2023 -
This text appears to be a compilation of various tech news updates and articles from different sources, rather than a single article. It includes references to multiple topics, authors, and publications, including The Verge, The Official Microsoft Blog, Thurrott, Game Developer, VentureBeat, and many others. It also mentions various Twitter handles, presumably of people related to the news or articles mentioned.

The text also includes sections for sponsor posts, tech hiring, and upcoming tech events. It mentions that it is an archive page from Techmeme, showing how the site appeared at a specific time and date. The text ends with references to more news and earlier picks, again from a variety of sources and on various topics.

Key takeaways:

I'm sorry, but the provided text is not an article but a list of references and mentions from various sources. Therefore, it's not possible to extract key bullet points or takeaways from it. Please provide an actual article for analysis.
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