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OpenAI posts Model Spec revealing how it wants AI to behave

May 08, 2024 -
OpenAI has released a working document called "Model Spec" to shape the behavior of AI models used within its application programming interface (API) and ChatGPT. The document, which is open for public feedback until May 22, is part of OpenAI's mission to ensure AI technologies operate in beneficial and safe ways for all users. It is structured around three main components: objectives, rules, and default behaviors, which guide an AI model's interactions with human users.

The Model Spec has been likened to the fictional "Three Laws of Robotics" by Isaac Asimov. However, some have criticized the current implementation of how OpenAI’s Model Spec causes ChatGPT or other AI models to behave. OpenAI acknowledges that the Model Spec is an evolving document and will adapt based on ongoing research and community feedback. The organization plans to keep the public updated with changes and insights gained from this feedback loop.

Key takeaways:

  • OpenAI has unveiled 'Model Spec', a framework designed to shape the behavior of AI models used within the OpenAI application programming interface (API) and ChatGPT, and is seeking public feedback on it.
  • The Model Spec is part of OpenAI's broader mission to ensure that AI technologies operate in ways that are beneficial and safe for all users, and it is structured around three main components: objectives, rules, and default behaviors.
  • OpenAI acknowledges that the Model Spec is an evolving document that will adapt based on ongoing research and community feedback, and plans to keep the public updated with changes and insights gained from this feedback loop.
  • Despite facing criticism and lawsuits, OpenAI aims to foster an environment where AI can thrive as a positive force in society by clearly defining how AI models should behave with its Model Spec, and continuously seeking input from the global community.
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