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OpenAI Sets Levels to Track Progress Toward Superintelligent AI

Jul 12, 2024 -
OpenAI has developed a five-tier system to track its progress in creating artificial intelligence (AI) software that can outperform humans. The system was shared with employees during a recent meeting and will also be shared with investors and other external parties. The levels range from AI that can engage in conversation with humans (Level 1) to AI that can perform the work of an entire organization (Level 5).

Currently, OpenAI believes it is at the first level but is close to reaching the second level, termed "Reasoners". This level refers to AI systems capable of performing basic problem-solving tasks as effectively as a human with a doctorate-level education without the use of any tools.

Key takeaways:

  • OpenAI has developed a five-level system to track its progress in creating AI software that can outperform humans.
  • The company, known for creating ChatGPT, shared this new classification system with its employees and plans to share it with investors and others outside the company.
  • The levels range from AI that can interact in conversational language with people (Level 1) to AI that can do the work of an organization (Level 5).
  • OpenAI believes it is currently at the first level but is close to reaching the second level, called "Reasoners", which refers to systems that can do basic problem-solving tasks as well as a human with a doctorate-level education without any tools.
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