The Head of Mobile App Development at Apple is looking for sustainable material suppliers, while the Senior Infrastructure Engineer at Facebook wants to brainstorm 5G strategies. Google's Senior Data Analyst is interested in machine learning partnerships, and Netflix's Head of Customer Insights is seeking influencers for a campaign. Adobe's Head of Digital Marketing is looking for data-driven content collaboration with film studios. The Founder & CEO of CloudScape Tech is searching for data centers for testing new tools, and Tesla's Head of Supply Chain is interested in partnerships with automobile manufacturers for sustainable initiatives.
Key takeaways:
- Professionals from various tech companies are seeking partnerships for different initiatives, such as sustainable materials, 5G infrastructure, and machine learning.
- Netflix is seeking influencers for a new cross-platform campaign.
- Adobe is looking for film studios open to data-driven content collaboration.
- Tesla is interested in expanding partnerships with leading automobile manufacturers for sustainable initiatives.