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Pavan Agarwal: Bullish on replacing humans with AI

Sep 14, 2023 -
Pavan Agarwal, CEO of Sun West Mortgage Company, discusses the role of AI in the mortgage industry in an interview with HousingWire. Agarwal explains that his company's Angel Ai technology is capable of automating 99% of the tasks traditionally performed by humans in the mortgage industry. The technology is used to calculate income, review documents, and navigate federal and agency regulations. He also shares that humans are involved in three steps of the mortgage process at Sun West: calling consumers, double-checking scanned documents, and making decisions when the AI's confidence level isn't high enough.

Agarwal's goal is complete robotic manufacturing in the mortgage industry, similar to the manufacturing process of products like cell phones and automobiles. He believes that this approach is more scalable, resilient, and profitable than traditional methods. He also shares that the company's loan officers spend most of their time sourcing business rather than being involved in the manufacturing process. Despite developing Angel Ai for Sun West, Agarwal has made the technology available to competitors, believing that there is plenty of business for everyone. He predicts that the current market conditions, AI technology, and the generational gap between originators and customers will lead to a significant shift in the industry.

Key takeaways:

  • Pavan Agarwal, CEO of Sun West Mortgage Company, believes that AI technology can automate 99% of tasks in the mortgage industry, reducing the need for human involvement.
  • Agarwal's goal is complete robotic manufacturing in the mortgage industry, similar to how products like cell phones and automobiles are manufactured.
  • Agarwal believes that the future of loan officers will change, with less involvement in the manufacturing process and more focus on sourcing business.
  • Despite developing Angel Ai for Sun West, Agarwal has made the technology available to competitors, believing there is plenty of business for everyone.
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