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People liked AI art – when they thought it was made by humans

Apr 01, 2024 -
A study by Simone Grassini and Mika Koivisto, published in Scientific Reports, found that people often preferred images created by artificial intelligence (AI) over those made by humans, even when they believed the AI-generated images were made by humans. The study involved an online survey where participants rated 20 works of art in five genres created by both AI and human artists. However, images believed to be AI-generated were rated as less attractive, suggesting that people's perceptions, rather than the actual origin of the art, influenced their feelings.

The study also found that a positive attitude towards technology and openness to new experiences influenced participants' impressions of AI-generated art. Grassini believes that as more products become AI-generated, it's important to understand that people's perceptions of whether something is human-made or not will impact their feelings towards it. He suggests that AI could be used as a tool or source of inspiration by artists, rather than a threat to traditional art forms.

Key takeaways:

  • People tend to prefer images created by artificial intelligence (AI) and often mistake them for human-created art, according to a study by Simone Grassini and Mika Koivisto.
  • However, images believed to be AI-generated were rated as less beautiful and of lower emotional value, indicating that people's perception of the source of the art influences their feelings towards it.
  • Two personal traits that influenced participants’ impression of AI-generated images were a positive attitude towards technology and openness to new experiences.
  • AI is not seen as a threat to artists but could be used as a tool for inspiration and creating new artistic genres and forms of expression.
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