Perplexity AI, which Srinivas co-founded in 2022, was accused earlier this year of improperly using content from major news publications without sufficient attribution. Srinivas denied these allegations, stating that the company's AI-powered search engine aggregates information from other companies' AI models without training on their content. He reiterated the company's commitment to giving credit to all original sources.
Key takeaways:
- Aravind Srinivas, CEO of Perplexity AI, believes in having an 'extreme bias for action' and encourages this mindset throughout his company.
- Srinivas values taking chances on hiring people who have 'some chips on their shoulders', giving them the opportunity to prove themselves in new areas.
- He also emphasizes the importance of hiring people with complementary skills and allowing them to excel in their areas of expertise without interference.
- Perplexity AI has faced allegations of improperly using content from major news publications without sufficient attribution, but Srinivas insists that the company is an aggregator of information and always strives to give proper credit.