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Jul 01, 2024 -
Pikimov is a free online motion design and video editor that requires no sign-up and operates without AI. It is a web-based platform compatible with Windows, macOS, and Linux, and allows users to import images, videos, audios, and 3D models. It offers video effects, layer-based compositions, and a keyframes animation system. The platform ensures privacy as all files remain on the user's computer and are not uploaded to a server.

The editor is a free alternative to Adobe After Effects, with a similar layer-based editing workflow. It offers a wide range of imports, including images, videos, audio files, and 3D models in glb format. The platform also provides various video effects such as color correction, blur, glitch effects, and green screen removal. Users can create motion design compositions, quickly crop videos online, or trim videos to make them shorter.

Key takeaways:

  • Pikimov is a free online motion design and video editor that requires no sign up.
  • It offers a web-based platform compatible with Windows, macOS, and Linux, and allows for the import of images, videos, audios, and 3D models.
  • The editor provides a variety of video effects, a layer-based composition system, and a keyframes animation system.
  • Pikimov respects user privacy by keeping all files on the user's computer, without uploading them to a server.
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